Tips on Writing an Essay about Loneliness with Flying Colors

Essay writing is an inevitable part of academic writing. Thus, it is very important to gain good essay writing skills in order to perform well. These skills come in handy in getting good grades and understanding a subject better. So, if you want to surpass the expectations of your teacher, it is worth considering the following tips.

Prepare Your Work

Any activity you start won’t be successful if you don’t prepare well. It is vital to know what you are writing about, what techniques you use, who is your target reader, etc. So, if you keep these pointers in mind, your research will be adequately done. In addition, you will be able to come up with strong arguments that are typically the core of your essay. As a result, it will be easier to organize your work well. This way, your reader won’t face any challenges in understanding your points clearly.

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Organize Your Work

Generally, a good essay consists of three main parts such as introduction, body, and conclusion. Some essays may sometimes deviate from this generally accepted structure, but naturally it is the most common one when it comes to essay writing. As long as you keep to this structure, your reader is able to identify the key points in your essay. Therefore, make sure you spend enough time to write every paragraph.

The Introduction

Usually, the main purpose of the introductory paragraph is to present the thesis statement of your essay. Thus, it is easy to identify whether it is worth reading an essay from its introduction. If you are willing to attract your readers’ attention, make sure that you write a catchy introduction. It is highly recommended to start with a hook statement that will capture your reader. Do not forget to make it relevant to your essay though. Once you have the attention, you can introduce your thesis statement. Then, you should proceed by giving relevant examples that support your thesis statement.

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Body Paragraphs

Undoubtedly, the flesh of any essay is the body. There are usually a few body paragraphs, which main objective is to support in detail the thesis statement. It is very important to use only relevant and current example when you are supporting your thesis stated in the introduction. Besides, you should use only specific arguments. Otherwise, you might end up having paragraphs that aren’t tied together and, consequently, don’t make much sense.


Remember that it is very important to make a conclusion of your essay as brief as possible. Even if writing a conclusion seems to be a piece of cake, you need to make it captivating and memorable. This way, you will definitely capture the attention of your readers.

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Aim for Variety

When writing your essay, try to achieve variety, since it is absolutely boring to read the same phrases and words, isn’t it? Constant use of the same words shows your poor range of vocabulary and, consequently, your essay ends up as the one which isn’t worth reading. Testimonials

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