How to Study for Tests

I know that feeling. When you come back from a summer break and you feel as if you completely forgot how to study. However, as weeks pass by, you get used to the routine and slowly recollect what studying means.

What I found most dissatisfying is that teachers usually give tests and homework during the first week of classes. That’s unfair and plainly silly! I wish there were a rule banning these dubious practices to let students transit into the academic process more smoothly.

Because I understand that my wishes are just mere dreams, I’d like present my study tips to become a good test taker and reduce your fears of the impending doom…I mean impeding tests.

Take Notes during Classes

No matter the subject, if you take notes, it increases your chances of succeeding greatly. If you consistently take notes containing the most important things that your professor says and then systematically reread it, you will be ready to face any test at any given time. Sometimes professors stress that the information they’re about to tell will be included into tests. Taking notes of this info is an absolute must!

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Create a Study Guide

By a study guide I mean a great consolidation of all your handwritten and typed notes that has all major concepts, terms and most important data that you know will definitely be included in your tests. Print this guide and look at it from time to time.

Study Notes in Advance

Studying all night before the exam is a bad method, accompanied by nerves and reduced concentration. Preparing at least a couple of days in advance is much, much better! For instance, if your test is on Thursday, start reading notes on Monday.

Making Lists Is Pretty much Like Making Study Guides

The main difference is that they are shorter and help you to stay organized better. I make lists of when tests are scheduled, what things I have to prepare for the respective test, and when tasks are due.

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Study with Friends

Consider that this method won’t suit everyone, because only responsible people can utilize it. Sometimes studying with friends can turn into just having fun with no time spend on needed things. If that’s the case with you – better study on your own. If you can concentrate on the goal and have like-minded friends who want to make a studying process easier – that’s the way to go! Break the material you need to study into chunks and divide it with your friends so that everyone has his/her share. When everyone is ready – start with retelling the key ideas of the text and put necessary questions. Another way is to discuss studied materials in terms of contrast viewpoints. Usually this method increases the understanding immensely. Studying with friends saved me a lot of time and helped me in my studies.

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However, if there were just one advice that I'd like you to follow, it’s this – take notes! Testimonials

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