How to Write a Generic Essay

The essays that have a basic set structure and can be adapted to meet the requirements of any assignment in a certain field are called generic. You can apply this kind of an essay to any situation, whether it is at school, college, or work. This article will introduce you to the ultimate format of a generic essay and will teach you how to put it in use for writing a successful essay in any sphere of studies.


To begin with, you need to be familiar with the stages of writing a generic essay. They are the following:

  • Grasping the general topic and conducting a prior research if you feel like you don’t have enough material to cover everything;
  • writing an outline and creating the skeleton of your essay;
  • producing the text;
  • editing;
  • proofreading and final touches.

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Generating Ideas

Before writing a generic essay, you need to come up with the specific topics that you will be able to incorporate into your non-specific essay. Obviously, you cannot write about everything on the given subject, so choose only those ideas that you can develop thoroughly. A simple enumeration of ideas will not work in this case, because you risk overloading your essay and making it inconsequential. Instead, find logical connections between your ideas and put them in such an order that they will create a sequence leading to the whole.


However knowledgeable you are on the subject of your essay, it might not be enough for a full coverage or deep analysis. For achieving this goal, you will have to address the Internet for some help. Nevertheless, it does not mean that you should copy the information you have discovered. The best approach of creating a personalized essay is to express your own vision of what you have read. In cases when you need to present actual facts and statistics that cannot be interpreted in your own way, always cite the sources that you have used. By doing this, you will prove yourself as an honest writer who can apply available on the Internet information for specific purposes.

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The style of your essay will depend on the target reader. However, there are some general rules that every kind of an essay should follow. It ought to include an introduction and a conclusion, which have to be no longer than one paragraph. In between, include 3-5 paragraphs of the main body, where you present the principal ideas of your essay. Do not make your writing presumptuous with using many adjectives, but go straight to the point instead. Remember that professional jargon is appropriate only when the essay addresses a narrow circle of people.

At the end of the process, do not be afraid to edit the parts that you do not like. You will be able to achieve a perfect piece of writing only after proofreading the essay a few times. Good luck! Testimonials

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