Detailed Explanation of why and how to Write a Persuasive Essay

It won’t sound as the exaggeration if to say that people practice persuading others on a daily basis. Whether you try to convince parents to buy you an iphone 7, a friend to join a party, or a salesman to knock a few dollars off the price, you use various kinds of persuasive language to achieve your aim.

Reasons to Learn How to Write a Persuasive Essay

Firstly, let’s examine the main reasons of why it is important to know how to write persuasive essays correctly. Apart from it is one of the tasks your teacher gives you to complete, it is a unique opportunity to learn to persuade effectively. Writing a persuasive essay is not only the classroom exercise, but an integral part of advertising sphere and your daily grind as well.

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Marketers and copywriters use the three key elements of persuasion, which are identifying the target audience, stating the action (what the audience is supposed to do), and stating the benefit to the target audience in order to entice the potential customer.

From time to time, our everyday life does include the necessity to write cover letters, school admission essays, letters to banks, city officials, company managers with the aim to get a job, enroll a university, ask for refund any kind of permission.

The Structure of a Persuasive Essay

As you see, it is really important to posses the knowledge and skills of writing a persuasive essay. And we are gradually coming to the main part of correct essay structure organization.

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You can use the already known skeleton of any essay, which includes the introductory paragraph, the main body (consists of 3 paragraphs), and the conclusion. The point is to specify your main body paragraphs in such a way that the target reader can for sure identify that it is a persuasive essay. For this, convert the first paragraph of the main body into the part where you identify the audience, in the second paragraph state the action, and in the third paragraph mention how the reader will benefit from the suggested. Where to Find Good Examples of a Persuasive Essay For more assistance in writing persuasive essays, you may try reading other person’s essays online or in printed. There is a bunch of persuasive speeches of famous historic and political activists as well as literature works, which serve as great examples of persuasive essays.

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Moreover, there are online libraries of free persuasive essays aimed at improving your writing skills. Have a look at all the accessible resources and improve your persuasive essay writing skills! Testimonials

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