4 Reasons Why Each of Your Job Applications Go on Failing

Before each person finds his/her dream job, he/she should go through a great number of job interviews. However, sometimes you won’t be able to reach that step because your job application will be rejected. If this happens consistently, it might be a sign that you’re making some serious mistakes in your application, and they prevent you from moving forward. Read these tips on how to write a perfect applications and what mistakes to look out for.

You Don’t a Necessary Qualification

One of the commonest mistakes that today’s college graduates make is applying for the job they are not qualified for. In most cases, we’d be talking about being underqualified and lacking certain experience and skills, but the opposite can also happen, and you might be considered overqualified. Although the latter doesn’t seem to have a negative connotation, it might also become a reason for your application to be turned down.

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Admittedly, it’s quite hard to know exactly what the employers are looking for if you’re just freshly out of college. To get a better grip of requirements, you need to research each vacancy and find out what specific background you need for them.

You Don’t Show Much Interest

Sometimes it’s good to have a safe option, a position that is not your priority but still seems to be okay. However, applying for such a vacancy can be tricky because you might unintentionally show your lack of interest in it. In the majority of cases, it’s evident from the generic cover letter that you use for every application. If the letter doesn’t mention anything about the position you’re applying for, you probably won’t get a response. To change that, make sure that every application is adjusted for each job offer separately.

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Your References Are Counterproductive

When asking someone to provide a feedback about your background and character traits, choose wisely. The feedback has to be positive, so ensure that the person you ask for a favor knows you perfectly well. It might be something you’ll overlook and won’t even consider when racking your brains as to why your application was turned down, but references are always scrutinized by your potential employer.

The Company Is Perfect for You but You’re Applying for a Wrong Position

People who set a certain goal early in life and persistently work towards achieving it usually get successful. However, it is not always. You might have always dreamt to work in a certain company and eventually learned everything about it. You couldn’t be prepared any better, and yet your application is rejected even though you’ve received a positive feedback.

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The reason for it might be in applying for a wrong position. When you focus on a company instead of a certain position, you might become lost as to what suits you best. Another reason can boil down to not liking something that is an essential part of the job. For example, if you mention that you prefer working alone while applying for a position in a team, you’ll be rejected.

These are some things that might cost you a future job. Be careful with them, and then everything will work out well for you.

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