6 Thing to Do Before a Timed Writing Exam

Timed exams present their own challenges, especially if a student is required to write an essay. It is very hard for some people to articulate their ideas when they are under pressure. There is no special secret of how to succeed. All you need to do is to keep a cool head and prepare in advance. Here are six tips that will help you to get the correct state of mind to ace you timed writing exam.

Reduce Your Stress Level

Don’t get me wrong – a little bit of stress is good for you. It helps you to focus and gather your strength. However, some people have problems dealing with the anxiety that standardized tests cause. According to several studies, anxiety can dramatically reduce brain functions to the point when you cannot even understand the prompt and put words together to create an essay. In this case. You should research some relaxation techniques and choose a couple of them that would work for you. Use this piece of advice before attempting anything else.

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You can’t find out which topic your professor will choose in advance, but practicing essays with common topics or topics from previous years will allow you to adjust and familiarize yourself with the process. You’ll also learn what your risk zones are. Some people rush ahead, others struggle with revisions. Learning more about potential weaknesses will allow you to address them properly.

Give Yourself Time to Think

Many students, feeling the pressure of time, rush into writing without ruminating on the subject or even coming up with an outline. Remember that the first idea that popped into your head is not always the best one. Take time to settle on a proper approach. Some people like making lists or diagrams to figure which of their ideas is the very best.

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Don’t Forget to Create an Outline

Perhaps, you think that a 600-700 hundred-word essay does not need an outline. It’s so easy to succumb to the pressure and just start writing whatever comes to your head. However, a stream of consciousness does not make for a good academic essay. Add structure to your thoughts by preparing an outline.

Return to the Question for Inspiration

Some students experience a sudden loss of cohesion right in the middle of writing. If you lose your threat of thoughts, just look at the prompt. Reread it and the ideas, that first urged you to write, will come back immediately.

Stay Succinct

A common problem for students, who write timed essays, is the lack of essence. Wordiness can make even the best idea fail. Instead of adding empty introductory sentences, use your thesis to come up with relevant arguments.

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Timed essays are rarely fun, but you can still succeed in them by being prepared and following these simple tips.

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