How to Start Writing Conclusions

Conclusions play an important role in the research paper since it must contain briefly and harmoniously formatted materials described in your work, your ideas, answers to questions of introduction and recommendations.

This part of the paper intersects with the introduction very closely. The conclusion should contain information about the extent to which the goals and objectives of the research work have been fulfilled. All your recommendations and conclusions based on the practical part of the work must be supported by arguments.

Show Your Position

Read the objectives and tasks described in the introduction one more time. The conclusions should reflect them and be closely related to the introduction. Feel free to talk about your calculations, make suggestions and recommendations, describe your motives and methods. You have to show that you can analyze and make decisions.

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Choose Only the Most Important Information

Conclusions are the smallest part of your work. Therefore, you have to write only about the most important things here. Do not mention the facts that you have already described in detail. While working on the creation of a research paper, highlight the most urgent thoughts and include them in the conclusions.

Logic of Presentation

Make sure that the last paragraph of your work is a logical continuation of the whole research. It is necessary to write only about those things that relate to the topic and results of your study.

Style of Speech

Remember that conclusions should be written in a scientific style. This means that you cannot use vernacular and slang in your text.

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Of course, it is important to check the literacy and correctness of the whole work, but the most attention should be paid to the last part of your research. After all, most often, people remember what was said in the conclusions. If your work is large in volume, readers can skip a few pages; however, they will read the last paragraph very attentively.


After you find your mistakes and inaccuracies, it is worth fixing them. It is not enough to read the paper once. Check your text several times. It is better to do this with intervals to let your brain rest.

Before showing your work to the professor, demonstrate it to your friends or family. It is important to get an honest critical evaluation of your paper. Ask readers to pay special attention to conclusions, as this is one of the most significant parts of the research. Do not be offended by the critical remarks. They must help you to improve your text.

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As you can see, it is not so difficult to write proper conclusions. Follow these simple recommendations and create a good research paper. Testimonials

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