What Are the Consequences of Steroid Use in Sports?

The use of steroids has always been a controversial topic, hasn’t it? There have been numerous attempts taken by sports committees and anti-doping authorities in order to keep this situation under control. However, it was without success. Today, the use of steroids has already become a huge medical problem. The harm caused by steroid substances is being emphasized by a large number of medical and public institutions. Those who are involved in sports and those who use the steroids for therapeutic purposes are both suffering and struggling.

Is It Actually Worth Using Steroids?

Normally, every sportsman is entitled to decide whether to use the steroid substances or not. Additionally, the personal doctor should be aware of this choice. Otherwise, a sportsman might end up being dead due to the overdose. Despite the fact that the consequences aren’t always lethal, a sportsman sacrifices his well-being and risks to have a number of illnesses in the nearest future. Secondary effects include acne, infringements of the liver, insomnia, loss of hair on the head, increased appetite, aggression, etc.

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Luckily, most of these dysfunctions won’t be a problem once a sportsman stops using steroids. At the same time, there might be severe consequences, for instance, heart diseases, a decrease of mental abilities and many others. Moreover, athletes tend to become addicted to the use of steroids. Believe it or not, steroid substances start to control your mind and body, and, finally, they make you completely dependent. Thus, it is terribly hard to quit using steroids, and the general condition of a sportsman aggravates, especially during the rehabilitation.

The fact remains that abrupt change in hormone level might cause the number of the following symptoms: nausea, headache, dizziness, high blood pressure, depression, the decline of sexual desire, etc. Therefore, the process of quitting steroid use should be gradual.

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The negative impact on the central nervous system is the greatest damage of the steroid use. Once a sportsman decides to increase his professional results using steroids, it is recommended to consider the consequences in older ages. Not only do the organs responsible for motion suffer but also the mental health. It is generally recognized that steroids have been also applied to treat depression, mental diseases and disorders.

Steroid use in therapeutic purpose helps patients to feel better, reduce fatigue, improve memory, and restore their mood. Considering the fact that the testosterone level increases, it triggers the changes in the core of the brain. Due to this, a number of studies and tests have been conducted. At the same time, these studies have proved the significant impact on the functioning of the central nervous system of the person who uses steroids. This way, along with healing effects, some harmful and destructive aspects were also found.

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Psychosis and depressive states are typically associated with the drastic use of steroids, especially when a sportsman abruptly quits. Overdoses normally cause aggression, hallucinations, propensity for violence, and depression. The aftermath is obvious: end of sports career, the criminal liability, mental or physical disability.

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