George Michael: Music Career

George Michael was a British pop icon, whose songs were, are and will be sang all over the world, and whose engaging melodies will remain global hits over decades. Such singles as Last Christmas, Careless Whisper and many others have numerously hit pop charts of different countries as well as won a great number of music awards during George Michael’s singing career. Blessed with powerful, soulful voice, good looks and talent to compose catchy songs, George Michael got to the level of a superb singer, songwriter, record producer and simply a generous person, willing to help people in need.

George Michael’s early music career began with the pop group Wham!, formed with his school friend Andrew Ridgeley in 1981.Though the band didn’t last for a long time (only 5 years), its albums reached No. 1 on the UK and US pop charts and its singles became favorite hits of Wham’s! fans.

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In 1986, George Michael started his solo career with an album Faith, which included such famous hits as I Want Your Sex, Kissing a Fool, Father Figure, etc. It was Faith that became a certified Diamond album with which George Michael embarked on his first solo concert tour. Listen Without Prejudice (1990-1992), Five Live (1993), Older (1994-1997), Ladies and Gentlemen (1998), Songs from the Last Century (1999) were the following singer’s albums, which brought him enormous success and recognition.

George Michael continued his creativity and worked on such albums as Patience (2000- 2005), Twenty Five (2005-2010) and Symphonica (2011-2016). He was giving concert tours across Europe, UK and the USA. By that time, George Michael had performed duets with such iconic artists as Aretha Franklin, Elton John, Whitney Houston, Queen and Lisa Stansfield.

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Apart from his music career, the British pop icon George Michael was a philanthropist, who donated money and had been a private supporter of many charity organizations for years, in particular Terrence Higgins Trust, Macmillan Cancer Support and others. In 1991, he also released memoirs titled Bare, co-written with Tony Parsons.

At the age of 53, George Michael, a beloved performer and pop idol of different generations, died because of heart failure on December 25, 2016, at his home in Goring-on-Thames. Such unexpected death became a shock for all fans and friends.

George Michael is gone, but his music and good deeds will be engraved in our hearts and memory forever.

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