Best Cafes for Students in the United States

If you are a student, you will probably like students’ cafes – places, where you can have something to eat, rest, and chat with your friends. Actually, such cafes play an integral role in students’ lives as they help students get to know each other in a cozy and relaxing atmosphere. Besides, eating a meal together allows uniting people: when people have a meal together, they try to feel more comfortable and it becomes much easier to start talking to one another.

Top Students’ Cafes in the USA

Spider House

Texas University students use this great opportunity to enjoy their friends’ company in the Spider House. It not only provides a great variety of snacks and meals but is also open at late hours, when one can buy some alcohol drinks and come to the place anytime. Besides, students can also enjoy movie nights and live music.

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If you are lucky to study at Seattle University, you will totally fall in love with this place. Apart from eating delicious meals and drinking a variety of beverages, you can also enjoy movies, music, and nice cozy settings outdoor (which you will definitely like during hot summer days). The caf? also boasts of its impressive design and architecture.

Octane Coffee Bar

This bar is a favorite place of students from Georgia Institute of Technology. At first, you might even confuse it with a warehouse, but as soon as you enter this place, you will immediately change your mind. The place is really luxurious and provides its visitors with a wide range of delicious things.

Lovin’ Cup

This is a nice caf? located in the vicinities of the Rochester Institute of Technology. Apart from a variety of delicacies on the menu, the place also creates a cozy atmosphere by hosting live music performances. The place is really versatile: you can have a delicious meal or a quick snack, coffee or wine, tea or cocktail. All in all, you can have here anything you prefer. One of the benefits of the location is that it works till night.

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Trident Booksellers and Caf?

The place is situated adjacent to the MIT/ Berkeley College of Music. Actually, the caf? belongs to those places where one can drink coffee, read an interesting book or have a meal. Actually, what can be better for bookworms or those simply enjoying a cozy and warm atmosphere? With some money in your pocket and a laptop, you will lose track of time in this place.

Caffe Strada

If you are a student of the University of California, Berkeley, you are definitely one of those students who are fond of this caf?. With its tidiness and greenery all around, the place looks really great.


For the lucky ones studying at Florida University or simply those who live nearby, the Volta coffee shop is a must to visit. Coffee making is not a simple process here – it is ultimate art. Apart from fragrant and delicious coffee, you can enjoy delicious sweets and chocolate.

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