How to Write an Outstanding College Application Essay?

When summer comes to the end, many high school graduates are overwhelmed with the thoughts about which colleges to apply and where to continue education in autumn.

On the other hand, becoming a freshman is not only about test scores and good grades. Many colleges require applicants to submit a personal statement or an essay that helps the admission committee to paint the picture of the student’s life in general, his/her accomplishments, convictions, and interests.

If you want to shine in the eyes of college admission committee, you should take enough time and prepare well to writing a brilliant application essay. These tips were elaborated by admission officers who know exactly how an outstanding personal statement looks like. Use these pieces of advice and showcase your best self when writing your first application essay.

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Before Starting to Write

Think it Through

Without a doubt, a perfect essay requires strict planning. Spend time thinking about what you want to highlight in your essay and create the best way to present your accomplishments.

Brainstorm with Friends and Family

Ask your close people about your strong sides that should be definitely mentioned in the application essay. The matter is that your friends and family will pinpoint the advantages of your personality that you may overlook.

Find Out the Values of a College

It is important to make sure that your aims align with the mission of a college, which you have chosen. How can you contribute to the campus community? To find out whether you fit in, check the profiles of the college’s best students.

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During the Writing Process

Describe Your Aims and Aspirations

Behind every compelling admission essay, there is a person with unique dreams and goals. When writing your essay, focus on your personal aims rather than on your grades and accomplishments, and you will be more likely to impress the admission committee.

Place Emphasis on Yourself

Writing an admission essay is your chance to self-reflect and show your passion for further education. Thus, it is important to concentrate on yourself, rather than on people who are important in your life.

Be Descriptive

The task of the admission essay is to highlight a special moment in your life, a specific trait you have, or a meaningful event that changed your views. Thus, it is important to describe the situation in detail so that the readers could visualize it and understand its genuine meaning in your life.

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A single mistake in your essay may spoil the positive impression about you. So, proofread every part of your essay thoroughly and run your essay through spelling and grammar checkers.

Writing your first admission essay is a serious step in your life that will determine your future. Take the responsible approach to the preparation and writing process and you will certainly impress the admission committee with the effective personal statement. Testimonials

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