Persuasive Essay: Video Games and Their Harmful Effects

The contemporary children spend much time playing video games. Usually, adolescents chose them because these games help them to hide in the online world and forget about the problems. These games cause many positive emotions and excitement. Thus, although children consider this hobby as the best way to spend their time, the recent studies prove that there are many reasons why children should not spend too much their time playing the video games. The most common arguments against playing the video games are:

  • People who cannot imagine their lives without the video games and find it difficult to socialize;
  • the games can bring harm to human health;
  • the enormous amount of time spent on video games can lead to addiction which would spoil the academic results.

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Socialization is a particularly important process for every individual. A human can reach the genuine happiness or success only as a part of society. Thus, it is particularly important for every child to find the possibility to communicate with peers and search for some common points of interest. Although the gamers have some communities where they can talk and discuss their game achievements or experiences, nothing can replace the face-to-face contact. Children should meet each other, visit interesting places, talk about their plans for future, and do many other fascinating things. Thus, if the individual wants to be successful in future, he needs to develop and improve his communication skills from the early childhood.

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Also, the video games influence the human health. Thus, the teenagers who spend the enormous amount of time before the monitor suffer from terrible problems with their back and eyes. Without getting g enough physical exercise, children lose their shape. Therefore, very often, these children are suffering from obesity. The parents should realize that it is essential for any child to receive the necessary amount of vitamins and physical exercise. All in all, children should be aware of the necessity of the healthy lifestyle since it is the necessary condition for their further development.

The third, but equally important aspect is that the children who neglect their academic results and prefer spending much time playing the video games, become the addicts who will find it very difficult to find some job in future. Living in the virtual world, children cannot cope with the lightest challenges of the real one. Many studies prove that these children become violent and aggressive. Thus, they show very poor performance, which is the main reason of academic failure.

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In conclusion, one should admit that the 21st century brought a lot of controversial technologies and devices. It is clear that too much time spent on playing the video games can bring a lot of harm. Thus, parents should dedicate much time to their children to be able to understand their dreams, opinions, and aspirations. Indeed, the video games should not be totally banned but the time of their exploitation should be reduced for sure. Testimonials

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