Getting Prepared for a "Who Am I" Essay

For some students it may seem difficult to plan a “Who Am I” essay, making them feel confused and sometimes even embarrassed. While ordinary essays are quite easy to prepare, the special topics, like this, may create a few problems due to the lack of appropriate skills and the adequacy of the essay. Here is an example of the outline to the following essay.

Creating a Decent Outline

Thinking about the Introduction

As it is clear from the title, a “Who Am I” essay must include autobiographical inserts, which make the structure so specific. It is important to remember that the outline makes it easier to gather the ideas, focus on the subject, and design an appropriate structure. As soon as you come up with the ideas, it will not be challenging at all to compose the entire essay, which can easily be comprehended by your readers.

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Creating a Structure

Consistency is a priceless feature of a really decent essay. In this kind of paper, you should think about the body carefully, remembering to include the information about your interests, skills, personal achievements and involvements, your own ethical code, etc. While composing the outline, take into consideration what you will have in the end in order to use appropriate methods for composing the content. Do not forget to mention your weak points, as well – all the successful autobiographical stories use this feature to represent an object of this story as an ordinary person, who is not arrogant or too highbrow. There are no immaculate people, therefore, it is a significant point to make the essay close to reality.

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Composing the Conclusion

After composing the introduction, where you talk about yourself as an identity with explicit traits and the main body, where you and your personal characteristics are presented in detail, the conclusion must summarize all the facts briefly and neatly.

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