Application for a Nurse Practitioner Program

One professor has revealed the main purpose of education to me during my first year at nursing school. He said that all years of doing your utmost at college boil down to adding one simple letter “e” to human in order to make it humane. I do not know if it was meant to be a lighthearted joke to cheer up an anxious freshman, but it has affected my outlook tremendously. I went through undergraduate college with this one aim in mind and I keep trying to make my human humane today.

Now after five years of rigorous work at school and two internships at hospitals, I seek to apply the lessons I have learned in practice. I believe that enrolling in the Nurse Practitioner Program will help me achieve this goal. From the very moment of setting my foot on the nursing path, I was convinced that this type of experience will be the pinnacle of my personal development and will help to define that key “e” in humane. The possible challenges of the Practitioner Program fill me with excitement because I believe that I have already accumulated enough knowledge in order to become truly helpful in my field of work.

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The personal and professional enrichment I have gained from internships at two different hospitals cannot be overestimated. Getting to work with truly gifted medical personnel at ABC Hospital in Philadelphia was nothing less but extraordinary. I had just graduated from nursing school and had a whole baggage of desire to help people and make a change in the word. The ABC Hospital could not have been a better place to realize my yearnings. Not only did this experience prove to me that I made the right career choice, but it also helped to discover a narrower nursing sphere I wanted to dedicate myself to.

This is how I found myself in the Neuroscience Unit where I truly feel at home. The variation of tasks I am responsible for keeps me motivated because I am involved in numerous activities happening at the Unit. However, the most fulfilling part of my job is communicating with patients and realizing that I am capable of bringing them comfort even in times of immense suffering. After all, this is where the “e” becomes the key factor. Through my cooperation with the skilled team, I have learned that the thing that makes a good nurse is a combination of simple human compassion with profound professional knowledge. The heart and the brain need to work simultaneously and help make the right decisions in urgent situations.

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A nurse is often a bridge that connects the doctor and the patient. We need to be able to explain complicated medical procedures in a way that will bring patients comfort and help ease their anxiety. This is especially important when working with children because they more than anyone else need to know that everything will be okay. This is something I have defined to be my goal in life – to help relieve pain, reduce stress and ensure the patients that they are safe. Testimonials

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